
User Awareness_

Users can be your greatest security risk or greatest assets – turn your users into human Firewalls_

Product Overview

All organisations, including SMEs, are dependent on Cyberspace, but are concerned about Cyber-related attacks. Ignoring Cyber risk management is no longer an option.


Hackers have changed their approach, increasingly targeting staff and exploiting their vulnerabilities:
• A ransomware attack occurs every 14 seconds;
• 70% of employees do not understand Cyber Security;
• 90% of all Cyber attacks are caused by human error;
• 95% of attacks originate via email.


A successful Cyber attack can cause irreparable damage to your business with long-lasting effects, impacting customer trust, your brand reputation and ultimately your revenue. Reportedly 60% of SMEs go out of business six months after experiencing a breach.


Empower your employees with knowledge about common Cyber threats and attack methods to eliminate risky behaviour and educate them around responsibility and accountability when using company data and resources.

Our User Awareness Training Portal includes an effective self-service online platform with an easy to follow process to ensure the implementation of an effective Cyber Security awareness programme to change culture and instinctive behaviours. After the 54-point Cyber Health Check has been completed, you’ll be presented with a Cyber Security dashboard highlighting the company’s high-risk areas.


A Cyber Awareness Training Schedule will be created in line with your Cyber Health Check results and you can distribute it to all employees, including a testing programme and phishing simulations. Detailed reporting will be available to track and review each campaign and its progress.


The Cyber Awareness Training platform is:
• Easy to setup and use;
• Cloud-based, which means no hardware required;
• Cost-efficient.

Why buy

Drive employee Cyber Security awareness and reduce the human risk factor.
Comprehensive reports to measure and identify at-risk areas of the business.
Customisable Cyber Security training based on your business strengths and weaknesses.
Reporting to track progress of training schedule.
Reporting to track improvement of employee Cyber Security awareness.
Real world simulations of Cyber attacks to test and measure training effectiveness.

How it works

User Awareness

Features & Benefits

An all-in-one online Cyber Security awareness platform:

An easy-to-use platform available when needed to help manage Cyber risks facing your organisation and track your progress and improvement.

Business Cyber security pack:

Based on the results from your Cyber Security health check, we’ll create an easy to follow programme filled with checklists, policy templates, posters and operational guides you can implement.

Over 50 different spear-phishing templates:

Realistic attack simulations based on actual incidents – includes an automated delivery and reporting module.

Cyber Security health check:

An intuitive online Cyber Security health check created by experts, with 54 questions covering key Cyber Security areas of your organisation.

Over 40 different Cyber Security awareness courses:

Courses covering all the Cyber topics, which you can access from any device, anytime. Changing culture requires engaging, fun and informative training on a regular basis.

Reporting Dashboards:

Get clear, actionable reports to measure and identify risk areas, all through an interactive dashboard environment.

Additional information


Automated Training Process:

  1. Policies and Procedures – An effective Cyber Security awareness programme starts with strong policies and procedures. It’s critical that your organisation has clearly defined policies for the training to be effective.
  2. Baseline Phishing Test – By performing a baseline phishing test, you have results to compare and track the success of your programme. This baseline test also identifies at-risk departments and individuals.
  3. Regular Awareness Training – Our short engaging training is delivered online for employees to watch at any time from any device. Learners progress is tracked and at-risk learners identified.
  4. Spear Phishing Simulations – Perform real-world phishing attacks on employees to demonstrate in a safe environment, what a real attack looks like and promote safe email behavior.
  5. Measure and Reduce Risk – Measure results on a monthly basis and auto-enroll at-risk staff, including those who have failed phishing simulations. Track your progress over time with the Cyber risk dashboards.

How safe is your
network really?

Know the unknown

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